Digitale Mythen – Sinn macht der Zuschauer

Session zur Social Media Week am 26. Feb. 2015, 16:30-17:30 im MakerHub Hamburg

Die vier digitalen Pioniere und Migranten sind zurück! In einem unterhaltsamen Talkshow-Format bringen Kai von Luck, Stefan Wölwer, Matthias Müller-Prove und Martin Kohler Elemente aus Mediengeschichte, Interaction Design und Urbanistik mit Smart Objects zusammen: Digitale Elemente für urbane Situationen.
In kurzweiligen Slots werden Mythen rund ums Digitale, über A-Soziale Medien, über das Internet of Things, dröhnende Drohnen, Mandelbrötchen, Beuys' Hasen, lebendige Plätze und Festnetze fachmännisch seziert und zerlegt.
Wir wollen unterhalten und anregen zur eigenen Sinnsuche.


Digitale Mythen - vimeo


Digitale Mythen ? Sinn macht der Zuschauer from Matthias Mueller-Prove

Referenzen von Kai von Luck

Öde Orte:

Mythos: Hamburg, das Tor zur Welt

Referenzen von Martin Kohler

Mythos: Wölfe in Brandenburg!

Referenzen von Stefan Wölwer

Referenzen von Matthias MProve

Mythos: Das Netzt vergisst nichts

Mythos: Das Netz macht produktiver

Mythos: Vom papierlosen zum ortlosen Büro oder von DTP und WYSIWYG zu #mobilefirst

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Speaker – a.k.a. "the urban gang of four"

Kai von Luck Kai von Luck (Professor, HAW)

Kai is a professor for computer science at the University of Applied Sciences HAW in Hamburg. His expertise lies in the field of digital construction and their consequences within ambient intelligence. He operates among others the Living Place Hamburg, an intelligent living environment, and runs a further education course Next Media for Digital Journalism.

Martin Kohler Martin Kohler (HafenCity Universität)

Martin teaches Urban Photography at the HafenCity University Hamburg and a the Leuphana University, Lüneburg. He researches on large urban agglomerations with more than 10 million people and curates art projects on the edge between art and the city. Also, he works as editor-in-chief for the magazine polis.

Stefan Wölwer Stefan Wölwer (Professor, HAWK Hildesheim)

Stefan is a professor for interaction design at the University of Applied Sciences and Arts HAWK in Hildesheim. He is a freelance editor for a range of design magazines such as PAGE, Design-Report, and form.

Matthias Müller-Prove Matthias Müller-Prove (Human Computer Interactivist,

Matthias is an independent interaction designer and human computer interactivist. He has designed software for international companies like Adobe, Sun, and Oracle. He is also a lecturer at the Brand Academy.
Matthias runs uxHH – the User Experience Community for Hamburg. Furthermore, he is founding member of Raum Schiff Erde, a unique congress for digital philosophy, interaction design, and net culture. Don’t Panic! – #RSE15 will launch on Feb-22, 2015!

Wir sagen Danke!

Was bisher geschah_

Urban Intervention zum #RSE13, #RFC13, Next Media @ HAW, SMW14

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